Men Don’t Listen? What?

December 4, 2000
A Special Report from Anne Strieber I knew it! An Associated Press story from November 29, 2000 says that men really do listen with only half their brains. In a study of 10 men and 10 women, brain scans showed... continued

Lumeloid May Spark Clean Energy Revolution

December 3, 2000
In Whitley Strieber's 1984 book Nature's End, he mentioned a revolutionary new solar energy converter called Lumeloid by its inventor, Dr. Alvin Marks. This material was capable of converting sunlight into electricity at a 50% efficiency rate. As such, it... continued

Companies Admit Genseed Can’t Be Controlled

December 1, 2000
NYT - After Genetically contaminated StarLink corn, which can only be fed to cattle, was recently found in the corn used in taco shells, American seed manufacturers have admitted that they cannot control the spread of Genseed and can?t guarantee... continued

New TWA Flight 800 Theory

December 1, 2000
NYT, National Review, New York R - Elaine Scarry is a Harvard English professor who thinks she has figured out what caused the crash of TWA Flight 800, as well as several other recent air crashes. Flight 800 exploded after... continued

Strange New Alien Body Evidence

December 1, 2000
Famed European UFO researcher Michael Hesemann has developed some extremely strange and disturbing evidence of possible aliens bodies. It seems that similar forms have been found in the Republic of Georgia in the Ural Mountains and in Puerto Rico. Both... continued

More on the Vote: A Floridian Speaks Out

December 1, 2000
A number of Whitleysworld fans have taken strong exception to our story about the impending civil rights suits in Florida. We are therefore printing a representative sample letter as a news story in order to give it equal billing with... continued

New Florida Suits Allege Massive Vote Fraud

November 29, 2000
Florida Sun Sentinel - A cross section of civil rights and legal groups from the NAACP to the National Lawyers Association is preparing to file suits alleging massive voting fraud and intimidation in Florida. They claim that there is evidence... continued

Mad Cow Disease May Be New Human Plague

November 29, 2000
An 11 month-old baby girl in Britain is suffering from the human form of Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Disease or BSE) which she caught while in her mother?s womb. Her mother died from the disease seven months after... continued

Air Force Satellite to Track UFOs

November 28, 2000
Reuters - IBM announced that it has sold the U.S. Air Force a supercomputer to help it identify unidentified flying objects. The Air Force?s Space Surveillance Team, based in Maui, Hawaii, will use the supercomputer to hunt for old satellites,... continued

UK to Require Cellphone Warning Label

November 28, 2000
Reuters, CNN - The British government plans to compel stores selling cell phones to give customers written health warnings. The proposed pamphlet would explain that current research is going on to establish safety guidelines for cell phones and they should... continued