A New Study of Cracked Quartz Adds New Evidence to the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

New evidence for a massive, high-altitude explosion caused by a comet impacting the Earth’s atmosphere over North America 12,900 years ago—referred to as the Younger Dryas impact—has been unveiled, following an analysis of fractured quartz crystals discovered at sites along the U.S. east coast of that appear to have been affected by a meteor impact. Shortly after the


Undisclosed 2018 Meeting by Former AARO Head Sean Kirkpatrick with Skinwalker Ranch Researchers Calls Government Transparency into Question

When Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick was appointed head of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in 2022, he was touted as being neutral on the topic of UAP, allegedly having no interest or involvement in the subject prior to his posting. However, it has recently come to light that Dr. Kirkpatrick did indeed have prior involvement with

It’s Confirmed: The Earth’s Core is Rotating at a Slower Rate than the Rest of the Planet

The Earth’s core has been once again confirmed to be rotating slower than the upper layers of the planet, according to a new study that has independently come to the same conclusion as researchers with China’s SinoProbe Lab at Peking University arrived at last year. While the core’s rotation is

Florida Officials are Promoting Climate Change Denial in the State’s Classrooms and Textbooks

Two authors of middle and high school science textbooks report that they have been informed that references to climate change must be removed from their publications in order to be accepted for use in Florida’s public schools, according to an article published in the Orlando Sentinel, a move that appears to be based on “ideological grounds”

Dark Matter May Not Exist at All, if Gravity Exists Without Mass

The elusive phenomenon known as dark matter may not actually exist, according to a University of Alabama astrophysicist, due to the possibility that gravity—an effect caused by the curving of the fabric of spacetime—may exist on its own in the absence of mass, despite the long-held assumption that gravity is

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