Take an incredible journey into the lost past with an expert who has some very new ideas about who we are, where we came from, and all that we have lost. Camille Sauvet moved to Peru years ago, fell in love with the country and its past, and soon realized that the stories being told by the conventional archaeological community could not be true. She embarked on research of her own, that has resulted in the magnificent Sorcerers in Stone, a book not to be missed by anybody who wants to open their minds to the truth about our lost origins, and their soul to the power of this great question. Get Sorcerers in Stone today, and visit Camille on SorcerersofStone.com
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FYI, The high quality mp3 is only 3 minutes long.
Better! Thanks!
Does the idea that humanity was once less dense negate evolution?Its something I’ve always wondered about?
Evolution is extremely well proven. Details are constantly being worked out and refined, but evolution is a fact.
The full story about the Aramu Muru portal, used to be freely available on Eathfiles.com but unfortunately, the first part of this is subscriber only now.
Here are the links anyway…
As far as I recall, the story goes, that after going through the portal and ending up in a misty white room, with a voice that was surprised to see him there…the mist clears and he sees, or is shown, a rather strange sight. He describes a large container, in which he sees a myriad of sparkling lights. He is told that this is his/our entire Universe, that was accidentally created by them whilst they were performing experiments into the origins of their own Universe. I seem to remember that this ‘Universe in a box’ had something like rods of light, either passing through, or jutting out from it. I think I remember that he was told this was an attept by them to stop, or slow its expansion, otherwise it would become uncontrollable and could even expand into and damage or destroy their own Universe. Apparently there were several portals within this Universe, like the one he passed through, that lead to this ‘observation room’. There was something mentioned about Universes being embedded within one another (like an infinite series of Russian dolls)….the whole ‘Universe in an atom’ concept. That’s all I can remember about it, other than apparently it was touch-and-go when he was attempting to get back to the ‘Earth side’ of the portal door…a fascinating story.
Jerry Wills on traveling via the Aramu Muru portal.
I will watch those over the weekend. Thanks!
Neither of those seem to contain the information I was referring to…but I did actually manage to find it, here…
I heard about the concept of Earth expansion over twenty years or so ago. But from what I understand, relatively recently, NASA has made some pretty detailed measurements of the Earth’s diameter and has determined that it is expanding by approximately 0.2 millimeteres a year. Assuming a constant rate of expansion, if you wind that way back, long before Pangaea (200-300 Million years ago) and right back to when Earth’s crust first formed (4.5 Billion years ago), then Earth’s diameter would still only be 900 kilometres less than it is now, which is only a reduction of 7% of it current size. I sounds to me, that the idea of people being able to easily move huge stones around due to the reduced gravity of a much smaller Earth, doesn’t really make sense.
Personally, I think it more likely that early civilisations probably did it by nullifying mass by vibrating the stone at its natural frequency, using sound waves. There is at least one detailed eye whitness report that I know of, where Tibeten monks were doing just that…an art that has clearly been lost to modern science.
Thank you. The idea of a significantly expanding Earth has been decidedly disproven, and I’m very surprised to see it being brought up and taken seriously on Dreamland.
I have no idea where the huge amounts of extra mass that would be necessary for the Earth to expand so much are supposed to come from. The existence of the oceans is also a problem for this theory. Proponents posit that a great deal of water is being generated de novo inside the planet, but there is no evidence for this as far as I know.
For your delectation, or possibly derision, here is what David Noel wrote: http://aoi.com.au/NUSite/NU003.htm
I can’t tell when this was written, but comments were being made as late as 2017.
Don’t forget that the purpose of the show is to go to the edge, not to follow the proven path. Sometimes one finds gold there. Recall that it was not so long ago that established science believed that it was impossible for stones to fall from the sky. More recently, the careers of scientist who dared to question the idea that the Clovis culture was the oldest in the Americas were ruined.
Thanks for replying, Whitley. I thought you might say something like that. Yes, I know that Dreamland is “the edge of the world,” as it should be. I haven’t been nearly as far out past the edge as you have, but I’m way out there too, and I live and work in the nonmaterial world a great deal of the time. Let me try to clarify where I’m coming from. (This site gets rid of paragraph breaks for some reason, so I hope this long comment is legible.)
–We know that there’s a lot of calcification in mainstream science, especially in academic settings, or so I’m told. And we know that scientists, like everybody else, may stubbornly cling to their favored points of view beyond all reason. Still, the scientific method does hold up well, and there is still a difference between fact and fantasy. Even out here at the edge where reality gets blurry.
–One area where the scientific party line is dead wrong is the belief that the brain generates consciousness. You and I know that this is crazy, and the thing is, we have evidence that consciousness can exist without a material substrate.We also obviously have evidence that UFOs exist as something other than ordinary objects.
–In the case of the outdated theory about earth expansion, there is no evidence. Quite the contrary. Back in the 19th century it was completely reasonable to speculate that the observed movements of the continents were caused by the planet getting bigger. Perfectly valid use of the scientific method— make an observation, develop a hypothesis. There was no way to make measurements to prove or disprove that hypothesis. Now that’s been done and we know that significant earth expansion is not happening.
–You might then say, what if it was happening in the past? You would still have to explain how and why it happened, and no plausible mechanism is known. Same for the idea that gravity has increased significantly— that would mean that a great deal of extra mass has been added to the planet, within the epoch of human beings or something like us. It could only come from huge other rocks slamming in from space, like the event that formed the moon. And that would destroy any complex life forms. It just couldn’t be.
–All that being said, I know very well that what we perceive as the material universe isn’t what’s “really” going on. And when people go through portals or ride in flying saucers that instantly cross the solar system, they experience a totally different structure of reality, probably a more fundamental one. But in day-to-day terms, we have to take our ordinary material world into account.
–Even though we know matter is mostly empty space, and it’s all an illusion being generated by mind anyway, if we jump off a cliff, our bodies will break. Most of us aren’t at a level where we can transcend gravity, at least not on our own. And for the most part we need matter to stay solid and predictable, in order to live on the planet at all. And we need to be able to understand and count on the laws that govern it. (Until the Visitors show up and do something that blows them all away….)
Thank You – I agree this is a false belief system. Earth expanding in size would not change gravity much (weight on a mountain top is very slightly different than at sea level) and changing the mass would need some very detailed explanation (asteroid dust and meteorites is insignificant).
The coordinates of the pyramid are unrelated to the speed of light’ which has current units of measure (miles or kilometers) that did not exist when it was built. Also the math is assumed and not verified and does not work out.
108 is 1^1*2^2*3^3
*** The angles in a pentagon are each 108 degree.
* The diagonal of a regular pentagon is in the golden ratio to its side length. In other words, if a side of the pentagon is s, then the diagonal will be φs (where φ is approximately 1.618).
* Golden Triangles: When you draw diagonals in a pentagon, they intersect each other at specific points, creating five isosceles triangles. These triangles are known as golden triangles because their side lengths also embody the golden ratio.
* The golden ratio can even be used to construct a regular pentagon with just a compass and straightedge. By starting with a line segment and using the golden ratio to create specific lengths, you can construct all the angles and sides of the pentagon.
*** These sacred Geometry principles are what made some ancient temples so amazing. Thus the Mala of 108 beads was referencing sacred geometry.
xxx 108 has no relationship to any astronomical distances in either of the modern units (miles or kilometers), this is another internet myth.
Whitley and Camille, I sent this by way of e-mail to Jay ? many years ago. I do not think I was a subscriber at the time. Also, do not recall the last name for Jay. I know this is a long post but could not figure out what parts to delete so I didn’t delete anything. There were several people as guides during the PERU trip and Jerry Wills was one of them.
Dear Jay, I just finished listening to you on DREAMLAND which was an interview from 05/2004. Last year (June 2005) I traveled to PERU with the ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND ENLIGHTENMENT. Henry Reed and his wife were with us, and I made a journal entry that I want to share with you while in ANCIENT QUESCO. While in Peru I had some days with intestinal problems, little appetite and fatigue along with weight loss; in some way I felt the purging enhanced my dreaming and total experience. I am not a scholar in any sense of the word, but I do have those quick moments of insight.
Journal Entry Sunday June 26th, 2005:
Today we are in ANCIENT QUESCO. The whole of this part of Peru is laced with caves and tunnels. Thomas takes us through a short dark tunnel with the feeling of emergence as we come out into the light; the emergence of the 4th, root race may have happened here. We walked across a circular field and for the first time while here in Peru I knew that something was different for me. As we crossed the circle, I actually felt waves of energy that extended up to my knees, it was subtle, but I was keenly aware of the change. Thomas had us all take a seat on the stones, and he played his singing bowl and led us into a meditation. In my mind’s eye I see a group of entities walking around a very large MILKY WHITE STONE in the center of the circle that we had just walked through. They are dressed in white and circle around the stone several times before stopping. Some now go over to the cave and guide humankind out into the light but not sunlight, more like the light of this shining large stone. The feeling is that they have come to help humanity start over with a new civilization.
CHANGE: Now we go down into another place where the celebration of INTI RAYMI was just celebrated. It is believed that this PLACE could be the remnant of ANCIENT MU. The stones are huge, and we have been told to place our hands and head against these stones so as to read the history that is still alive in them. We all looked around for what I am thinking the perfect spot. I walked over to a wall and placed my hands and head as instructed but nothing really resonated. I started to move on to a different area of stone when a short man with an olive-colored complexion stopped me and took me to a place where he said I should place my hands and head. After a few minutes I moved away from the stone, and he was waiting for me. He put a large quartz crystal in my left hand and a round heavy stone in my right hand (he said it was meteorite) then told me to close my eyes. I did this and in about a minute there was a vibration shift in my body/consciousness????? At this point it felt like my body was divided, like two ME’S. I was very aware of the separation. Then without thinking, there seemed to be a wave of KNOWING or a HUNCH about the language of the stones. That is the only way I know to explain this. Below is what I knew in that moment:
Each stone fits perfectly into the other. Many are different sizes and shapes. I have the knowing that these stones represent sacred geometry as a vibration/sound/language and an active presence. Look for repetitive patterns on the stonework, see and observe how some stones interlock; like reading a book or telling a story. Also, these large stones are terraced. The bottom row working upward is meant to show time periods.
This I believe is true and have described what I knew with my own understanding. Perhaps those with a broader background in research and science will understand the significance at a different level. I think it is like trying to describe a microwave if you lived one thousand years ago. Today at lunch Henry and his wife told me to check with Gloria for she had a similar experience. There was an emotional feeling through this whole incident but not like I wanted to cry…..very unsettling.
These are only a few of my current dreams but I have had some strange ones.
DREAM: Last night I woke up at two different times with these short dreams. First dream is I am in an enclosure looking into the faces of many people. They have astonished and surprised looks on their faces. A voice wakes me up abruptly saying, “THESE ARE DEPARTED SOULS TRYING TO PASS THROUGH THE SEVEN GATES.”
DREAM: I am in the midst of huge rocks. They now rise up and start walking upright like humans as they talk to me. It frightens me a bit but not as much as I would have expected. There is power in their voices and the feeling of urgency. As in the dream above there seemed to be a sense of judgment only this time for all humankind.
Note: I am now thinking about the gates in the ruins at either Machu Picchu or maybe Ancient Pisac (not sure about location) where Willaru told us to ask for prayerful passage through them. COULD THESE OPENINGS REPRESENT ASCENT IN SOME SORT OF RITUAL? Could you pass through a gate only when you were spiritually ready? Were there truly seven gates here in Peru in these ancient ruins that embodied an enormous portal/vortex of energy…..so much so that it was possible to go from gate to gate until all seven were open? Then ascend to what Edgar Cayce called Arcturus? Hummm, I wonder.
Jay Weidner, I believe.
I remember that interview. It was about his book, ‘The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time’. It’s on my bookshelf. Carrollee, you may want to get a copy of the book.
There are some traces of carbon from torches on the wall of the famous grotte Chauvet in the south of France : https://archeologie.culture.gouv.fr/chauvet/fr/les-traces-charbonneuses
My apologies for this Western, Eurocentric message!
But if you ask, I do not have any explanation for vitrified ruins.
That vitrification is perhaps the most bizarre thing about those areas, isn’t it.
Ah, CosmicLibrarian has posted some information about it below.
My ears did perk up when I heard Jerry Wills. Not sure if what he says is just mind candy or if there’s something to it. Has he been on Dreamland?
Also, Whit’s mentioning the caves in Bavaria grabbed my attention. I’ve been there, and yes there are a lot of tunnels/caves there. The entrances I saw were locked up like bank vaults. I assume some of that is based around safety but there may also be other reasons.
One of the things that has always bothered me on some level is how we tend to not give ancient peoples enough credit for their intelligence, problem-solving skills, and creativity. THEY WERE US, only several hundreds or thousands of years ago.
For instance, let’s take a look at cave art—done in dark zones of caves. This art was beautifully done, and in great detail. There was magic in the dark, and these brave souls would head into that dark. How many of us in modern times struggle with darkness, even to the point of using night lights (not just for kids)? And the light, even at night in cities, is awful. I’ve had to wear a sleep mask for years because I require total darkness in order to sleep. What we are doing is not natural, but a light on every corner and billboard is the norm in the USA. We may have more ‘safety’, but is it healthy?
Experts are starting to learn how ancient people achieved vitrification. They figured it out by observing natural processes and using their creativity (And intelligence). Vitrification is found in other places in the ancient world. We think we are better, smarter, and more creative than our ancestors, and that simply is not the case. We have a certain level of technology that they may not have had, but they had spiritual and survival skills that we have lost. The people that built Gobekli Tepe over 10,000.00 years ago were hunter gatherers, yet built (and later—buried ) a massive stone monument., complete with lovely carvings. We are re-learning vitrification (with today’s technology) for other purposes, such as dealing with nuclear waste.
Thank you– I had no idea that vitrification of stone structures was done fairly commonly like this, and had been a little weirded out by the idea, which seemed quite mysterious.
Indeed, our ancestors were extremely clever, and when you consider that they accomplished so much without fancy technology, their exploits are even more amazing. Whether they used special powers or not.
You would perhaps like the book “Waking Up to the Dark,” written by someone who, like you, finds the modern excess of light at night to be a big problem.
The photography on Camille’s site is astonishing. One striking thing is the sharp edges on the Hanan Pacha formations, despite their extreme age. They don’t seem to have eroded much at all. She mentioned the limestone being especially hard.
I was listening to this show late at night and falling asleep, and an idea that drifted through my mind was this: Perhaps the seemingly random bowls or grooves or corners in the rock represent natural cleavage lines of some sort? Might the ancient people have known how to apply forces in such a way that the stone would naturally fracture without any great difficulty? Bringing out shapes that “already” existed in the rocks rather than imposing structures?
Just a random thought, and it doesn’t explain how they moved those huge stones.