The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Blue UFO Over Hawaiian Island of Oahu

January 15, 2021
At least two witnesses captured video of an oddly-shaped blue UFO that appeared over the Hawaiian island of Oahu on December 29, 2020. At 8:26 local time Misitina Sape caught the UFO on video while near Haleakala Avenue in Nanakuli.... continued

Cow Dropped through Roof of Barn from Above

December 11, 2020
This video was made on December 9, 2020 with a surveillance camera. The cow falls through the roof and into a barn. The farmer whose cow it is says he saw a UFO above the barn and then this happened.... continued

Russian Astronaut Aboard ISS Posts Apparent UFO Images

August 21, 2020
Russian Cosmonaut Ivan Vagner has posted a short video of auroras seen from the ISS that shows a number of objects moving behind them that he claims may be UFOs. The video is from the ISS. We are unable to... continued

Barrel Shaped Object From Switzerland

August 9, 2020
This object was taped in Switzerland the week of July 20th. It is impossible to tell whether or not it's authentic, but as barrel-shaped UFOs are uncommon, it doesn't seem likely that this form would be chosen by a hoaxer.... continued

Dog Walker Captures Strange Orb Formation Over Houston

July 17, 2020
Houston resident Lee Wutang was walking her dog shortly after sunset on June 27 when a neighbor pointed out a cluster of five strange glowing orbs drifting along the horizon. Wutang reported that the objects she recorded appeared to be a... continued

Dog Walker Captures Strange Orb Formation Over Houston

July 10, 2020
Houston resident Lee Wutang was walking her dog shortly after sunset on June 27 when a neighbor pointed out a cluster of five strange glowing orbs drifting along the horizon. Wutang reported that the objects she recorded appeared to be... continued

Unknowncountry User Gets a Nighttime UFO Video

March 12, 2020
This video was shot by an Unknowncountry user on the night of March 10, 2020 in his hometown of Springfield, Oregon. The sky was clear at the time, with some high broken cloud. The lights appeared the size of a... continued

UFO Taped in Costa Rica in December Similar to One Taped There in 2016

December 29, 2019
This UFO, taped on December 19 in Costa Rica, appears similar to one that was taped there in 2016, and has been recorded in other places in the world from time to time as well. Regarding the 2016 object, one... continued

Provocative, Eerie Bigfoot Sounds

August 22, 2019
This video features sounds recorded in the 1970s by Ron Morehead in the forest north of Yosemite. The sounds are almost certainly authentic.  They were featured in a documentary that has been pulled due to a copyright claim. These are... continued

UFO Involved in 2003 British Columbia Abduction Appears There Again

July 31, 2019
  A UFO strikingly similar to one that appeared over Kelowna, British Columbia in 2003 has appeared there again. The 2003 incident also involved one of the few multiple witness abduction experiences with medically documented injuries to the witnesses. In... continued