If ever there was a prescription for revolution, this is it. In modern times, not a single country that has experienced a division of wealth this dramatic has survived without great change. By 1780 in France, 10% of the population owned 70% of the wealth. Then a volcano erupted in Iceland, which led to years of poor harvests in Europe. The impoverished multitude got hungry and the rest is history. The same thing happened in Iran, and is now happening in the oligarchic dictatorships of the middle east. Worldwide food shortages are coming, and they could easily include us. People will tolerate all manner of abuse, but a division of wealth as extreme as is present in this country now has not been seen since the Middle Ages. America be warned: when people get hungry, they get mean.
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A revolution in Saudi Arabia has the potential to become the most serious crisis the west has faced since World War II, and, in a worst-case scenario, the worst crisis the world has ever faced. The reason for this is, not only is this oil essential to the life of man on this planet, it is also potentially possible to set some of the enormous oil pools on fire, which would be an irrecoverable human and environmental catastrophe. In January and February of 1991, some Kuwaiti oil pools were ignited by Iraq and burned at a rate of 6 million barrels a day. Sabotage of the larger Saudi pools is just as feasable, and could ruin the world.
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