Seriah Azkath, host of  Where Did The Road Go?, joins us to explore his lifetime of high strangeness experiences that began with a kundalini awakening at a young age and include a UFO encounter over a lake. This one is not to be missed! To keep up with Seriah and listenread more

In 1977 two young airmen were camping out at Devil’s Den in Arkansas when they noticed a strange triangle of lights in the sky. As they watched it slowly approach, one of the best documented of all abduction cases began to unfold. The two witnesses were not left with missingread more

Researchers with the University of Tokyo may have directly witnessed the quantum reaction that results from the exposure of biological tissue to a magnetic field, a mechanism hypothesized to be behind the magneto-receptive sense that can guide birds on their long migratory routes. Although it has been long established that certain speciesread more