The Mozart Effect may not work, but the power of art to heal emotional wounds is well known, but could contemplating a beautiful painting have the same effect on physical pain? If so, this is the BEST KIND of placebo!

Italian researcher Marina de Tommaso asked 12 men and women to pick the paintings they considered the ugliest and the most beautiful, then to think about them while their hand was zapped by a laser (an effect like snapping a rubber band at your hand). They experienced less pain while contemplating the beautiful art.

New Scientist quotes de Tommaso as saying, “Hospitals have been designed to be functional, but we think that their aesthetic aspects should be taken into account too.”
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Take this test and find out! – Despite the recession, some people are still shopping till they drop?whether they can afford it or not. Are you one of them?

The test below revealed that 9% of (mostly women) professors?out of a total of over 500?could be classified as compulsive shoppers. This is higher than the rate of 15 years ago, which is estimated to be between 2 and 8%–or even a more recent estimate of 6%.
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UK and US researchers are about to undertake a huge, 3-year study on near-death experiences (NDEs) in patients who have experienced cardiac arrest.

Doctors will study 1,500 of these survivors to see if they had the typical NDE, with the tunnel of light, floating above themselves and seeing doctors and nurses trying to save them, seeing friends and relatives, etc. As part of the test, the doctors are placing images on high shelves in resuscitation areas of their hospitals, where they can only be seen from above.
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Popular Dreamland host William Henry will be appearing with some previous Dreamland guests at a conference in La Jolla, CA that runs through Sunday, Oct. 5. For more information, click here.

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