With a black man running for president for the first time, white people?including children as young as 10?may avoid talking about race so as not to appear prejudiced. But that approach often backfires, as blacks tend to view this “colorblind” approach as EVIDENCE of prejudice, especially when race is clearly relevant.
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Not since the summer of 1989 have I seen such a massive upwelling of dire prophecy in the world. At Unknowncountry.com, we are getting emails every day from people who are having dreams or visions of terrible events in the immediate future.

The Arlington Institute, a respected futurist think tank, has just published a document noting that it is receiving many such prophecies, also.

Most of these dreams and visions involve earthquakes, nuclear terrorism or huge storms. (Hopefully, not all of the above.)

A number of channelers are predicting that a large scale event involving aliens will take place this month.
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?NATURAL gas, that is – Many delivery trucks and city buses now run on clean-burning natural gas?but this comes from wells, just like oil, and America’s wells are running dry. But Japanese researchers have developed a method of using bacteria found in depleted oil wells to turn leftover crude oil into natural gas. This could supply 10% of our fuel supply.

It works in Japan (yes, there are oil wells there too). In Bloomburg.com, Shigeru Sato and Yuji Okada quote researcher Hirofumi Kawachi as saying, “If oil stays above $100 a barrel in years ahead, it may be worth trying this unique technique.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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Now that people can no longer afford to drive their SUVs, many of them are buying bikes. This could also help control overpopulation!

In Wired.com, Leander Kahney quotes bike store owner Kevin Menard as saying, “The gas prices are the best thing that ever happened to cycling. I hope they go up even more.”Kahney quotes bike industry CEO Rich Kelly as saying, “While the economy is really sketchy right now, it’s not for the bike industry.”

He quotes bike advocate Tim Blumenthal as saying, “[Biking] bucks the general economic trends. There doesn’t seem to be many businesses that are thriving, but the bike business is doing very well.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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