Take this test and find out! – Despite the recession, some people are still shopping till they drop?whether they can afford it or not. Are you one of them?

The test below revealed that 9% of (mostly women) professors?out of a total of over 500?could be classified as compulsive shoppers. This is higher than the rate of 15 years ago, which is estimated to be between 2 and 8%–or even a more recent estimate of 6%.

To find out if YOU qualify, take the following test?read the questions and answer them with a 1-7, depending on whether you strongly disagree (a one) to strongly agree (a 7): My closet has unopened shopping bags in it; Others might consider me a “shopaholic;” Much of my life centers around buying things; I buy things I don’t need; I buy things I didn?t plan to buy. If you score 25 or higher you’re a compulsive shopper.

In LiveScience.com, Jeanna Bryner quotes researcher Kent Monroe as saying, “We are living in a consumption-oriented society and have been spending ourselves into serious difficulty. Compulsive buying is an addiction that can be harmful to the individual, families, relationships. It is not just something that only afflicts low-income people.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

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