UPDATES COMING IN – Anne has discovered that sometimes you hear a single sentence that sums up a person’s whole life, and gives us some of her favorite ones. She asks you to please send her your own examples to news@unknowncountry.com, with the subject heading SINGLE SENTENCE, and she’ll update her diary.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Did the US government use 911 as an excuse to launch a sophisticated propaganda campaign designed to scare the American people into giving up their civil liberties, as well as supporting the war in Iraq?

Arizona legal scholar David Altheide says that’s exactly what happened. In his new book “Terrorism and the Politics of Fear,” he points out how the war on terrorism actually began with several earlier “wars” on crime and drugs, all with the goal of encouraging the US people to relinquish certain privacy rights for protection and a safer world.
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Cosmic rays, the highest-energy particles in the universe, are being sent to earth from someplace beyond our galaxy and no one can figure out where they’re coming from.

Ronald Kotulak reports in the Chicago Tribune that an international group of astronomers, including scientists from Fermilab and the University of Chicago, are trying to solve this mystery.
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World food crops are in trouble, and continued drought across much of the US is causing harvests to decline and food prices to rise. Is there a food shortage in the world’s future, even in the affluent West?
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