Bacteria have been discovered that turn ordinary metal into gold. This sounds great, except that if there is too much gold, it will become worthless?it’s valuable because of its rarity. For instance, Diamonds are actually much more common that we think, but they are kept artificially scarce?and thus expensive?by limited mining by a single South African company.

Robin Lloyd writes in that Australian researcher Frank Reith has discovered a film of bacteria on gold that has been mined in that country. When he grew the bacteria in his lab and dissolved it in a liquid solution containing non-gold metals, the result was gold nuggets. This might be the secret behind seemingly magic legends about ancient alchemists being able to turn ordinary metal into more

The news show 60 Minutes recently aired a report on vast oil fields that have been discovered in Canadian shale. We recently posted a story about huge oil reserves in Venezuela.Now it turns out the largest oil reserve in the world may be right here in the United States. Some scientists say that oil is not even a fossil fuel, but is being created continuously. Do we have an oil shortage in the world?or don’t we?
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Tropical Storm Beryl has formed off the US coast in the Atlantic ocean and is expected to head up past New England, where there is an unusual mass of warm ocean water off the coast of Maine at this time, and then move on to Southern Canada.

Unless Beryl changes its route, the storm will pass directly over the warm water mass, which will strengthen its force, possibly turning it into a hurricane, especially if it lingers in the area. Beryl could eventually travel to Europe, where it could also land as a hurricane. To track Beryl, click here.

Despite the danger of hurricanes, new maps developed by scientists who track population show that the population along the coastlines in most countries will increase by 35% by 2025, compared to 10 years earlier.
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In his new journal, Whitley writes, “Anne and I have had quite an interesting time recently, with regard to anomalous experiences?I think that there are time travelers here, probably a lot of them. I DO NOT think that they know who they are, or have any clear idea of the futures they come from. If they are to be effective, this would have to be impossible.” Why does he think this? He has evidence?

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more