Anne Strieber recently experienced magic while at the Magic Castle with a magician. But she’s decided that friendship, especially with the psychics she’s been meeting lately, is the most magical experience of all.

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We are born with two kidneys, so we have one “to spare.” There is a thriving black market of business people in third world countries selling kidneys to people in the West who need them. There was even a movie, “Dirty Pretty Things,” made about this. Now the British Medical Journal says this may not always be wrong.
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William Henry and Stephen Mehler interview Egyptian Ab Del Hakim Awyan, whose family has retained priestly knowledge from the time of ancient Egypt. Then Linda Howe finds out about a series of extremely strange satellite photographs from document expert Ryan Wood.

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For our subscribers, Gregg Braden, the author of “the God Code” and “Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer,” joins Ab Del Hakim Awyan, William Henry and Stephen Mehler. Gregg has been a student of Hakim’s since 1986, and attributes his own deep knowledge of Egyptian secrets to Hakim.

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