Kathleen Marden, the neice of famed abductee Betty Hill is not only a close encounter witness herself with numerous multiple-witness experiences, she is also among the world’s leading researchers into the field. As director of experiencer research for MUFON and a member of the board of CE3 research group FREE’sread more

Kevin J. Briggs is a man on a mission to do no less than facilitate a contact moment at the United Nations sometime in 2020. But why does he think he will succeed in getting the visitors to appear when so many others have tried and failed to do this?read more

Mitch Horowitz is one of the leading scholars of the occult in the world. During his distinguished career as editor of Tarcher-Penguin, he published Whitley’s books Solving the Communion Enigma, the Key and Super Natural. This week he takes us on a journey down some seldom traveled paths including theread more

Dreamland favorites Andrew Collins and Greg Little have teamed up to create an epochal book about the mysterious pre-hominid people known as the Denisovans. We travel from Siberia through a fantastic cataclysm that brought the last ice age to it violent end, to Gobekeli Tepe and the mysterious, fantastically fortifiedread more