There is a split in UFO research that has never been realized, but is fundamental to an understanding of how to approach the reality behind it. And I say reality without question. There is a reality involved. But I think that it is very different from the conventional notion of expeditions from other planets.

Let me give you some examples of how this split works by discussing the work of three people in the field, Robert Bigelow, Jacques Vallee and myself. I don’t know Mr. Bigelow but his approach is strikingly similar to Jacques’ and my own.

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Part two of the classic follow-on to Communion, Transformation. In this book, Whitley Strieber describes his continuing encounters as they develop, and makes a powerful case for them being real, not the result of organic brain disease, hallucinations or lies. This audiobook contains some of the most vivid and interesting encounter stories ever told.
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Whitley Strieber describes to Timothy Hogan in detail what happened to him in the early morning of July 12. As happened many years ago, he heard a cry which was filled with meaning. Instead of running away as he did years ago, he opened himself to the experience, and this time the meaning was entirely different, and leads to perhaps the most extraordinary and illuminating discussion of gnosis and the power of meditation that has ever appeared here.
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After nearly three decades, the visitors have returned to Whitley Strieber’s life, this time bringing with them esoteric knowledge of the greatest beauty, rich with transformative energy.
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