Because You Might Be in Need of a Chuckle: Uranus Is Leaking Gas

April 1, 2020
Sifting through decades-old data from Voyager 2's 1986 flyby of the seventh planet from the Sun, researchers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center have found that Uranus is leaking gas, and a lot of it. The discovery of this odd... continued

Finally, Some Good News About the Coronavirus: It Doesn’t Mutate as Much as the Flu

March 28, 2020
(Updated Mar 28 07:15 PST to reflect current numbers) Researchers studying the genetics of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes the disease known as COVID-19, have uncovered some good news regarding the virus, in that it doesn't appear to mutate nearly... continued

Three Spacemen Offer Advice on Staying Sane in the Face of Pandemic-Based Isolation

March 25, 2020
In response to the coronavirus pandemic that is currently laying siege to the world, governments around the globe are calling on the inhabitants of Spaceship Earth to confine themselves to their homes in an attempt to stem the spread of... continued

COVID-19 Pandemic Update: The US Closes its Borders; Italy Overwhelmed by Coronavirus Cases

March 23, 2020
The worldwide COVID-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic on March 11 by the World Health Organization (WHO), in response to the disease's rapid spread throughout the world, with 173 countries on every continent (except Antarctica) now reporting confirmed cases. The... continued

Existing Antiviral Drug is “Clearly Effective” in Treating Coronavirus Infections

March 20, 2020
Clinical trials conducted in China have returned promising results for a treatment for patients infected with COVID-19, using an existing antiviral compound that has been used against similar viruses. Typically used to treat new strains of influenza, favipiravir is an... continued

One-Quarter of Global Warming Twitter Posts May Be Faked by Automated Bots

March 18, 2020
The value of social media has been incalculable in its ability to connect millions of people around the globe, but like all powerful tools this force appears to have been weaponized to serve the interests of individuals and organizations seeking... continued

Unknowncountry’s Coronavirus Response

March 16, 2020
Whitley will be continuing with live YouTube meditations and we have started a Zoom video meeting room for our subscribers. The next live YouTube meditation will be on Thursday at 6PM Pacific Time. It will consist of a 20 minute... continued

Aircraft Contrails Just Need a Little Altitude Adjustment to Improve Their Impact on Global Warming

March 13, 2020
High-altitude aircraft contrails were recently found to be trapping more solar radiation than the carbon emissions emitted by the aircraft that form them, doubling the airline industry’s contribution to global warming. But the formation of these manmade clouds could be... continued

NASA Finds a New Martian Biosignature—and a Good Place for It to Hole Up In

March 11, 2020
NASA's Curiosity Rover has detected an organic molecule in Mars' Gale Crater that is typically associated with fossil fuels and fungi on Earth, another potential sign that life once existed—or continues to exist—somewhere on or in the Red Planet. Additionally, the agency's Mars... continued

Spread of the Coronavirus Increases Outside of China, Along With Misinformation Regarding the Disease

March 9, 2020
(Updated Mar 09 13:00 PST to reflect current numbers) (Additional update Mar 10 09:00 PST: Italian quarantine extended to entire country) Coronavirus infections outside of mainland China have been on the rise over the past few weeks, with nearly thirty... continued