Paleontologists have announced the discovery of yet another new species of ancient human, one that lived in the Philippines between 50,000 and 67,000 years ago. Much like the ‘Hobbit’ species known as Flores Man that was found in Indonesia in 2004, this new species was also small in stature, andread more

What a show! It seems that there is plenty of evidence that the past had a very different relationship with good and evil than we now understand, and that people believed that images themselves had power, and sometimes images were created for evil power. Whitley is probably the only interviewerread more

The increase in average annual temperatures across the country of Canada has risen by more than double the current global average, according to a report commissioned by the Government of Canada that was leaked to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on April 1. The report also says that temperatures inread more

The official magazine of Russia’s Defense Ministry has published an article that described the Russian military’s use of parapsychology. The psy-soldiers trained under these programs were reportedly able to telepathically convey instructions to trained dolphins, disrupt and eavesdrop on computer systems, and read the minds of enemy combatants on anread more