Brad Abrahams is a documentary filmmaker and commercial director from Canada, currently based in the USA. We discuss his documentary LOVE AND SAUCERS, the powerful story of David Huggins, an unassuming 72 year-old who claims to have had a lifetime of encounters with otherworldly beings. At the heart of his experiences is an inter-species romance with a gray female being named Crescent. David has chronicled his memories though an haunting series of paintings.
You can find the Love and Saucers online here:
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My curiosity is simple: why was David H singled out? I think i recall something about “them” staying away from more “aggressive” types. maybe that was it. fascinating story, thanks for sharing. And, while im thinking about it, didnt someone say some time ago about the “mantis” types being the hybrid masters in this area? Hmm.
I would guess that David H. would have some interesting inside info all those people. I bet he has some really interesting stories to tell … beyond the carnal.
I could have misheard but I’m sure I remember David Huggins saying in the documentary, that he was half Cherokee…on his father’s side, judging by the picture of his parents… Maybe that had something to do with it?
This one didn’t really do it for, sort of rambled on. I do think the subject material is interesting and will check out the documentary for sure.
I thought it was really good.
Hello! I just watched Love and Saucers through Amazon Prime. The structure of the film was great. And, I found the paintings very compelling. Interesting that he describes some of the same concerns and feelings that Whitley has about his experiences. I can recall at least 2 other books I have read in the past 3 decades that describe meetings and even families with a similar women wearing the Cleopatra wig. Thank you for a great interview!
While it is (for me) very easy to be lulled in to the dullness of everyday living, yet this world is filled with so much wonder!
Just watched the film on Amazon Prime, excellent.
All aspects of the documentary present in an respectful manner the complexity of this person and his experiences.
His art work will bring to mind buried memories for certain, many folks will see themselves and their experiences.
I wish he and the film makers all the best.
I just watched this on Vimeo after hearing the interview and was really impressed. The film is as much an art documentary as a chronicle of a man’s encounter with the unknown.
Those paintings without a doubt hold much revelation. His I ching readings performed in the film also had quite a bit to say toward this end.
I think anyone who is a fan of Whitley’s work and this site will appreciate this film.