UPDATE: CIA medical officer Christopher "Kit" Greene has posted an extensive comment on the Above Top Secret website about his efforts to obtain John Burroughs’ records. He makes specific statements about what caused John’s injuries that confirm that the source was unknown.

Linda Moulton Howe
Earthfiles.com Editor
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Unexplained booms, bizarre earthquakes–the first 12 days of January are almost beyond explanation. Learn more in this special 1 hour Dreamland. The second half hour is the section normally reserved for subscribers. Please enjoy it, and consider subscribing to Unknowncountry.com.
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Earth’s magnetic pole is shifting much faster than predicted. Could this be the reason for unusual earthquake clusters and unexplained booms? Linda Moulton Howe reports. 1st of a 2 part series.

Earthquakes are being recorded in eastern Connecticut for the first time in 300 years, in an area far from any fracking activity. Unexplained booms are taking place in many areas of the US. The magnetic field is in an unexpected state of flux. So, what’s happening and what should we expect?

This is the first of a two week series with Linda Moulton Howe. PLUS, for subscribers, Whitley Strieber updates us on climate change in his 2015 ‘State of the Climate’ report.
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Catherine Austin Fitts, Linda Moulton Howe, Jeremy Vaeni, Jim Marrs, Peter Levenda and Joseph Farrell tell us their expectations for the future in this two-week special edition of Dreamland.

In this 90 minute special, six of our frequent guests discuss their expectations for the new year and the future that lies beyond. Catherine Austin Fitts and Jim Marrs offer very different takes on the economy, Peter Levenda discusses the legacy of the Nazis as it has developed in the middle east, Joseph Farrell discusses the chilling power of the black budget, and Jeremy Vaeni reveals some exciting plans.

This is Dreamland at its best. Don’t miss a single moment of this amazing show!

You can reach our guests at their websites:
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