Ken’s close encounters started in childhood, but he didn’t become aware that they were occurring until 2002, at the age of 50. Defense Department officials have had an involvement in his case, and an implant was removed from his son a few years ago. In college, he was a security guard for a secret defense related program, and he believes that this was somehow associated with his close encounters.

Listen as Anne Strieber uses her enormous knowledge of the close encounter experience to guide Ken through a very provocative interview.
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Contactee "Susan" had dreams about being in a craft piloted by three grays. She was led by these dreams to seek certain Native American wisdom keepers, the medicine people of the Oglala Lakota Sioux community from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. They interpreted her dreams and told her about their tribal contacts with the "star people."

This wonderous, rivetingly interesting contactee story is another example of what life is like at the edge of reality, where we break free from the bondage of our materialistic, linear and time bound lives and break free. Listen as Anne Strieber’s gentle voice draws "Susan" into telling her incredible story. There be secrets here to touch the heart and feed the more

Cases where the visitors have carried out an extraordinary cure of a sickness are extremely rare, but this week contactee ‘Gary’ describes one of the very few documented cases in existence–his own. Listen as he tells the astonishing story of what happened when he was lying on a gurney on his way into surgery–in a room full of people–and the visitors showed up. And wait until you find out WHY. Anne Strieber’s contactee interviews are memorable glimpses into a hidden reality that is full of wonder and danger and mystery–and this is one of the most extraordinary she has ever more

Andrea’ joins the growing list of close encounter witnesses who have given an interview to Anne Strieber. These intervews are among the deepest and most detailed descriptions of contact experience anywhere in the world, and are among our most popular features.

Andrea tells us a beautiful, disturbing and deeply felt story of a lifetime of contact with strange beings who range from the "shimmering" to "rough and pushy." This interview goes right to the most secret heart of close encounter when she describes her experience with the black box so familiar to many of us, and what it is like to be touched by the wand.

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