Researchers in England have discovered a long-lost subterranean megalithic structure near Stonehenge, a massive circle of large vertical shafts arranged in a miles-wide circle that may prove to be Britain’s largest prehistoric monument. Led by the University of Birmingham, the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project is a survey of the environs around Stonehengeread more

An international team of researchers has uncovered what appears to be fragments of 75 million-year-old DNA from a dinosaur hatchling, bringing the concept behind Jurassic Park one step closer to reality. Previously, it was broadly accepted that the maximum amount of time that DNA could survive in a fossil wasread more

What a show! It seems that there is plenty of evidence that the past had a very different relationship with good and evil than we now understand, and that people believed that images themselves had power, and sometimes images were created for evil power. Whitley is probably the only interviewerread more