A massive black granite sarcophagus that was unearthed in Egypt’s city of Alexandria earlier this month was opened on July 19, finally revealing its two millennia-old secrets to archeologists. Speculation as to what might be found in the 30-ton enclosure ranged from the lost tomb of Alexander the Great, to the potential for it to contain an ancient pharaoh’s vengeful curse. Unfortunately, no grand warrior-king emerged from the coffin, although it did contain a sort-of curse, albeit in the form of a really bad stink.
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An analysis of 29 prehistoric footprints found on the west coast of Canada have revealed that they are 13,000 years old, making them the oldest known footprints in North America. While older archeological remains have been uncovered elsewhere on the continent, this find adds to the body of evidence that modern humans were present on North America’s west coast well before the end of the last Ice Age, in this case over 2,500 years before the current geological era, the Holocene, began.
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A recent post on Sputnik News reports that DNA testing on samples from the controversial three-fingered Nazca mummies is currently being conducted by researchers at the Russian National Research University in St. Petersburg. Although the more human-like mummy, nicknamed "Maria" by the researchers in Peru, has a chromosome arrangement similar to that of a normal human, the mummy still exhibits decidedly non-human features, such as three fingered hands and feet, and was found in the company of not only the mummy of an infant, but also a cadre of two-foot tall mummies that definitely could not be described as human.
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After having been hidden away in a private collection for a decade-and-a-half, a new, extremely novel species of dinosaur has been discovered — and it’s one that’s odd-looking enough for researchers to have assumed at first that it might have been a fake. While its body resembles the infamous Velociraptor of Jurassic Park fame, it has a swan-like head and neck, and what appear to be penguin-like flippers, in place of the grasping arms that would typically be found on fossils like this.
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