Marla Frees returns to Dreamland (at last!) as Whitley’s guest this time, talking about her new book American Psychic. She tells a powerful and heart-rending story of an early life full of pain and the incredible discovery that changed her life: that she was a psychic—the real deal. And then a new life began, one of spiritual search and exploration of one of that most mysterious human trait: psychic ability.
Listen as she tells this enthralling story as only Marla can in her warm, intense way that leads the listener down path after path within themselves that they didn’t even know was there.
You can connect with Marla at AmericanPsychicBook.com. To watch a short video about the book, click here.
To get American Psychic click here.
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Oh Whitley,
it breaks my
Oh Whitley,
it breaks my heart that you should have to live on such a very tight budget after all you have given and done for so very many people.
Please people, let us BLESS Whitley with donations of $$$$$ whatever you can honestly afford. Skip that latte for a week and donate the $$$$. Let him know how very much we value his work! Thanks kindly….
john edward-sylvia
john edward-sylvia brown-theresa caputo-allison dubois-james van praagh-marla frees
i love you whitley-will be
i love you whitley-will be donating to you&this vastly important work that you do via paypal next payday-iam a ny high school teacher&have been following you&anne since i saw communion in a bookstore at lakewood mall as a teen in the 80s-my brother&i were abducted multiple times as small children&your work has been a balm to my soul-especially the path-happily i was able to thank anne in person in nashville over breakfast in 2010(she remembered my letter!!)but-i find it a little difficult to reconcile my hostility toward charlatan psychics&your advcacy for marla frees-probably iam wrong but-have been burned by these bums so many times over the years something in my gut says NO
Thank you Pam for your
Thank you Pam for your skepticism. I too was more than skeptical as I detail in the book. Our gut, the third chakra is where I had psychic surgery in Brazil. It is more than the seat of the ego, the knowing, and the umbilical cord. It is where we find our divinity and our to connection to others. It is where the wound of not being loved seems to grip us. I had quite a reckoning in that area. My entire journey has been in healing that. Thank you for sharing.
Enough said.
And yes, I haven’t been charged for subscription in a while. I will donate again.
I’ve been a listener, learner
I’ve been a listener, learner AND subscriber of DL/UC since radio days. I’m patiently waiting to renew my subscription; until then, my donation’s in cyberspace, Whitley–on its way to you! Thank you for your life –we’re fellow Geminis–including the tortuous road you’ve and continue to travel to speak truth, which has empowered my journey of eternal life. You and Anne rekindled Soul Power [What we need, when we need it, gotta have it] (60s popular soul song by James Brown).
7, Sarcasm is the lowest form
7, Sarcasm is the lowest form of Wit u know,…
Marla, you have shared such
Marla, you have shared such important information/thoughts/suggestions in this interview; it is so nice to hear your voice again…….
Whitley, your life is not/has not been easy either and a lonely place to be. My feeling here is next year will be your breakthrough year. Hang in there just a little bit longer, (stay afloat). This song comes to mind.
Thank you Carollee for your
Thank you Carollee for your kind words. I am grateful that our conversation was helpful.
Hey Whitley,
Some years ago,
Hey Whitley,
Some years ago, I had a phone reading with Marla F. and she was interesting. She told me, “Dont be Judy.”
That has stuck with me for these past years. Sadly, in my current situation, that happens still frequently and I need to stop. Bottom line: I am under the impression she’s the real deal.
I am still curious about 1 thing: the person dies and the “ego” evaporates. So, how do mediums speak with those long departed? Does the Higher Self put on the persona that once was to communicate to the person? Im still sorting out alot.
Subscription: I donated moments ago, covering my yearly sub + a little more. This site is super important to me.
Thanks for the hard work.
Hi HG…in reference to your
Hi HG…in reference to your question, It is my experience that consciousness survives death. With that statement, I have felt the personality aspects of most of the deceased I have been able to connect to. That consciousness somehow continues to change. I have accessed upset and angry people and within a few months that personally has been assisted somehow. The trajectory of my book details a number of these transformations. Psychic mediums are accessing the information/data of that person, places and things. All situations can be felt, seen or heard in some fashion. But that is simply too overwhelming. We pick and choose what works best inside of us. As I discussed with Whitley in this talk, I had to adjust MY system to be able to handle the information. That also includes ET information. The amazing part of this is that this larger consciousness system of the universe/ God/ spirit/ force… etc. some how makes this communication/access available. The dynamic of all of our ” downloads” are accessing info is different for all of us. My work HG, is to constantly research as you say, “sorting all that out” …. thank you for your kindness and curiosity.
Thanks to Whitley for having
Thanks to Whitley for having Marla on the show! and thanks to Marla for such an upbeat and refreshing interview! I especially appreciate you encouraging us to explore our own psychic potential. I know I have some ability; have had a few astonishing incidents in the past; nothing like mediumship, however. Does your book give any tips about how best to develop latent or untapped potential? If so, I’ll likely purchase your book.
The skeptics might want to read the book I just completed: “The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death”, by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD. It’s a very “lay person friendly” presentation of serious research done at the University of Arizona’s Human Energy Systems Laboratory, complete with much info on their research protocols. You’ll be interested to know that there is a good amount of discussion about fakers, and how they work. The Lab even consulted with a few good ones to be sure that the staff was versed in how to detect faking. It’s an awesome read, and the data is quite convincing.
Hi Crow Girl…. I know
Hi Crow Girl…. I know Gary’s book very well. I was in my full blown psychic tilt when his research and documentary were going on. I agree with you, it is
“very lay person friendly” and I am so happy for all his research. FYI my book is my journey through how all this happened. Yes a memoir, but if it happened to me, its probably happening to a lot of people! Its my story of how i handled it and the amazing ride of being pushed and pulled into all sorts of education for my highest good. Anecdotal, surprising and bursting with support of the abilities we all have. Thank you for your comment. I apologize for being so late.
Hi Crow Girl…. I know
Hi Crow Girl…. I know Gary’s book very well. I was in my full blown psychic tilt when his research and documentary were going on. I agree with you, it is
“very lay person friendly” and I am so happy for all his research. FYI my book is my journey through how all this happened. Yes a memoir, but if it happened to me, its probably happening to a lot of people! Its my story of how i handled it and the amazing ride of being pushed and pulled into all sorts of education for my highest good. Anecdotal, surprising and bursting with support of the abilities we all have. Thank you for your comment. I apologize for being so late.