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Crystal Hope Reed is a mental health educator. Shortly after she got married, her husband had a profound paranormal experience and psychic awakening that changed both of their lives.

Listen as Marla Frees interviews Crystal about not only what happened, but how Crystal tapped into her therapeutic background and intuition to figure out how to turn this challenge into an opportunity for  even stronger relationship and improved quality of life.

Crystal shares her  journey along with fascinating stories about other skills she has developed, including being an animal communicator and remote viewer.

Exciting, joyous and empowering information. Don’t miss it!

Visit Crystal on her website,
Get her amazing, wonderful, funny and wise book! Click here!

Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. 01:01:11

  2. but this is not acceptable
    but this is not acceptable behavior by the Mental Health Industry. How do we make a change. Post partum psychosis was acceptable then MHI put it on the books. then they overturned gay/bisexual/gender issues altogether. How do we get the whole lot of people out of this stigma? Because the MHI created these nasty and hateful labels in the first place. BPD’s can’t win. Every angle of their response is categorized as meaning what MH says it means regardles of what the BPD says. People cannot live their lives with this societal ill of what is called the Mental Health Industry. And the “professionals” are not trained to really understand.

  3. Thank you Whitley. Thank you
    Thank you Whitley. Thank you Annie. There aren’t any others that offer such loving insight and thoughtful sharing just for the asking.

  4. So beautiful, true. and good.
    So beautiful, true. and good. Thank you Whitley and Anne… for being present to us.

  5. Enjoyed the show! Always
    Enjoyed the show! Always interested in hearing experiences of awakening intuitive abilities. Appreciate tools and resources being shared.

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