Where does science really stand when it comes to paranormal states? Dean Radin is among the world’s leading experts on science and the paranormal, and in this incredible interview he explains just why psychic states DO have a scientific basis, and what we can do to enable ourselves to use our "psychic" connections–which are actually very well explained by physics. Maybe physicists cannot face this reality, but WE can, so listen carefully as a scientist explains just WHY your psychic powers must exist, and how to detect them in your life. Knowledge like this is profoundly empowering. Dean is senior scientist at the Institute for Noetic Sciences.
Dean’s website is EntangledMinds.com.
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Subscribers can also listen to Dean in the Dreamland archive for June, 2006, discussing his earlier book Entangled Minds.
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You cut Dean Radin off mid
You cut Dean Radin off mid sentence!!!
There is an error in this
There is an error in this edition of Dreamland. Unfortunately, the last forty seconds did not record properly.
To use Dean’s metaphor of a
To use Dean’s metaphor of a bubble of consciousness that can easily be popped, I wonder how effective it would be to focus one consciousness on maintaining the strength of the bubble.
Congratulations Whitley. This
Congratulations Whitley. This new website is excellent. Easy to use and a fun load of stimulating and profound content.
Regarding the interview with
Regarding the interview with Nick; Anne, seemed to be more interested in touting what she “knows” rather than letting Nick speak of his experiences. I kept feeling sorry for Nick in the interview. The purpose of an interview is to let the guest speak, not to knock them down or over-power them – which is what I felt Anne was doing. Kudos to Nick for hanging in there and being so kind, I think I would not have handled it so well. Thank you Nick for speaking of your experiences. It ended on a good note, but the way it started left me wondering how it would turn out.
It’s all a work in
It’s all a work in progress…press on Streibers!
I feel I must agree with
I feel I must agree with “look2thelight” on this one.
I, too, have felt that both Anne and Whitley tout there own experiences too much when interviewing guests. In a class on psychological communications, this was called “Cross Talk”. It occurs mostly in groups where the floor is open to all speakers. Someone will bravely open up about themselves and another butts in with “I know what you mean” or “You think that’s bad? How about this?” or something along those lines. Then, the interrupter goes into detail about themselves and totally disregards the original speaker. In other words, the interviewers must limit themselves to questions to, of and about the interviewee… the guest.
I would sincerely like to
I would sincerely like to thank Whitley, Dean Radin and Dreamland/Unknown Country staff for one of the most interesting discussions ever. I feel interviewer and interviewee both did an excellent job in conveying some of the most important concepts/ideas you will ever hear regarding the nature of consciousness, intent and mind/matter interaction. The show ended all too quickly, but I’m inspired to do further research in this area.
This is what Unknown Country is all about. I can only imagine how much work and dedication goes into bringing this gift of innovative, consciousness-expanding ideas to the world. Yes, maybe there are occasional minor issues with sound, etc. But as the years go by, I increasingly appreciate how precious knowledge portals like this are.
It’s important that light and information be administered to a species hurtling toward extinction with reckless abandon. Humanity might have continued in blissful ignorance for eons, but we’re running too close the edge of the abyss now. I believe high strangeness is on the rise and human science/consciousness is evolving at a faster rate as a direct consequence of higher aspects of Self or Universal Consciousness rushing in to prevent a beloved, but psychologically challenged species from jumping off the cliff–again.
– A grateful Dreamland subscriber