I have been thinking for a while about whether or not I would ever write this journal entry. But I am going to write it, and I?m going to tell you things in it of a kind that I have always kept to myself in the past. For years, I?ve watched in silence as certain things have happened regarding UFOs and the close encounter experience, and these are not good things.
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We are continuing to publish this article periodically, in view of the many new visitors coming to the site. It was first published in August, 2001, then a second time in Feburary, 2002.

This journal entry is about UFO secrecy. It does not follow the usual line about the secrecy being basically caused by arrogant government types who have too low an opinion of the common man to allow him to know the truth about his own world. Instead, it discusses possible reasons why who are whatever is out there would choose to act toward us as they do.

If they are really there–and I think they are–then they obviously agree with any secrecy our leadership imposes. Indeed, they are probably the architects of it. So what’s really going on?
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My family has just had a very difficult and powerful week of struggle. For those of you who read my previous journal entry, on Monday, April 8 my sister went into surgery to get a brain aneurysm cleared up. The surgery went find, but afterward she had a devastating stroke. She was left with extraordinary deficits: her entire right side was left paralyzed; she lost her voice and ability to swallow; her eyesight was damaged to an unknown degree; her left side was seriously affected.

She went into the surgery a whole person with a minor sight problem from an earlier mild stroke. She came out almost ‘locked in’ to her poor body. However, her mind was and is intact. She has been fully conscious throughout the ordeal.
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A week ago Monday my sister underwent surgery to clear up a brain aneurysm. The surgery went fine, but afterward she suffered a massive stroke. She has been left with her right side completely paralyzed, her speech lost, unable to swallow, and her vision severely impaired to an unknown degree.

The surgery has an excellent safety record, so we were certainly not expecting this. She is a brilliant, contentious and vital person. What has happened to her seems utterly fantastic, like a nightmare that has broken through into reality and won’t go away.

Last Wednesday night, it seemed as if she would pass away. Late that night, however, she appeared stable, so we went to bed.
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