Years ago, Betty Andreasson Luca was given a little blue book, which she put on a closet shelf. It later disappeared. Early last October, when I was suffering through a health crisis, I came into contact with a little blue book. In a comment made after publication of my October 5 journal entry, I said that I would publish what I remembered of its contents. Subsequently, though, things got much worse and I did not keep my promise as quickly as I had thought I would.

These are the contents of the book as I remember them:

15,000 years ago prior to planetary cataclysm  injection of concepts: soul survival, deity, afterlife.
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There’s an old fashioned ‘UFO flap’ going on at present. I don’t think that it’s because of new methods of communication like YouTube and the tendency of the internet to amplify provocative claims. There isn’t really any online hysteria about it, at least not yet. In fact, the community of interested parties is quite calm so maybe this time the crazies and the hoaxers will look in other more

It has now been 66 years since Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 UFO sightings and the Roswell Incident, and we’re still waiting. Or are we? I’m not. I’m engaged with the visitors and I have been since 1985. And I’m not alone. More people are discovering that it’s possible to engage with them right now, and to take it deep. But most of us are waiting–for ‘disclosure,’ for ‘the landing,’ for some defining moment that most likely will never come.

In early January of 1986, I was in agony. I’d been beaten up on December 26, 1985, and I was just in the process of coming to grips with the fact that something physical had happened to me. (This was when I was writing the short story Pain, which is a chronicle of my anguish and agony at that time.)
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I’m writing this on the Wednesday before the December 21, 2012 event. It has been disgracefully debased by all of the fake end-of-the-world hysteria spread by hucksters and nincompoops, but the real message of the event is still well worth contemplating. For my own part, I am going to spend a quietly meditative day reflecting on the power and mystery of the spiritual journey. It’s not that I believe that a mysterious galactic alignment will somehow enhance my energy; I don’t. But I know from nearly half a century of regular mediation that higher energies are real and vividly conscious, and are more than willing to engage with us. While this is always true, the intensity and depth of the experience increases when groups work more