Since my discovery, after my close encounter, that the US government was engaged in a massive program of lying and denial, I have not taken much interest in conventional politics. My interest has been directed toward finding out why it has chosen this route, and in my new nonfiction book, coming out next year, I am going to lay out exactly why this coverup has taken place, and what is needed to change the situation.
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On this ninth anniversary of the 911 attack, American anger is more intense than it has been in many years. In part, this is because of the mosque that is being built near the site of the World Trade Center, and in part it’s because we have been under threat now for a long time, and the threat remains as unsettling now as it was nine years ago.

We’re frustrated and we’re angry. The weakest among us are beginning to lash out in ways that illustrate our helplessness. Most of us cannot understand why we can’t win. We have lavished our national wealth and power on suppressing the threat, but the threat remains exactly as concealed and as potent as it was on the day the twin towers fell.
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When is a dream not a dream? When it’s so powerful that it seems real, or perhaps so bizarre that it seems beyond imagination?

This one was both, and I thought that I would take the step of recording it here, actually without knowing quite why. I don’t know that it will ever happen this way. Or maybe, somewhere else in space and time, perhaps it is happening, or has happened.
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Last week, Anne and I attended the Summer Lectures in Devizes as speakers, and also had one of the premiere experiences of our lives. She discusses her part of it in her recent diary, and I will talk about my part of it a little here, but will describe a lot further what happened in an audio that I’ll place in our subscriber section next week. Also, if all goes well, I will post for subscribers a video of a walking meditation I did in this formation in the Alton Barnes East Field.
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