If we survive the oil spill, we have to find a way to make the free enterprise system work with balanced and effective regulation, or something, at some point, is going to kill us all.

In point of fact, the pressure of the oil coming out of the well is so great that it could cause the entire reservoir of oil to burst open, which will destroy a vast area of ocean. How large depends on how much oil is released, but it’s not inconceivable that the whole of the Caribbean and much of the Atlantic could become involved.

Additionally, there will be such substantial releases of methane and other gasses that there will be a direct threat to continental life due to non-survivable levels of pollution.
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My new book the Omega Point comes out on June 22, and I must say, it seems a very odd time for it.

The story revolves around changes on the sun that are gradually making life on earth impossible, and it asks the questions, what is the last judgment, and, more importantly, is there a plan for us?

This week’s New Scientist came in the mail, and I was shocked to see that the cover story is “What’s Wrong with the Sun?”

Not that the article says that the sun is about to do something awful, but it just feels like a sort of warning of some kind that maybe there is such a thing as an end to this world of ours, perhaps not tomorrow and perhaps not in 2012, but that it could come.
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For the first time in 25 years, I have just had a perfectly clean out-of-body movement. I was listening to music–some old folksongs–when I found myself standing in the middle of the living room. I was confused; when did I get up from the chair.

Then I saw sitting there an odd looking old man in pajamas, staring straight ahead, his eyes black shadows. At first, I was frightened. I could not imagine who it was or how I had missed seeming him. An instant later, though, I realized that it was me, and I was out in the air without my body.

I thought I’d died suddenly and I just looked in amazement at myself, trying to see what had gone wrong. But I was alive, transfixed, but I could see myself breathing.
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Every few weeks, it seems, another announcement appears claiming that some authoritative group, usually involving the pope, the president, Edgar Mitchell and whomever, is about to announce that UFOs are no longer unknown, but are alien craft. I’ve been hearing about pending announcements like this for as long as I’ve had an interest in the subject, and they have always worried me. They worry me more than ever now.
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