This object could be a genuine unknown. However, the humming sound described also suggests that it might be a blimp, but it would be a violation of the law for it to be flying that late in the evening without any running lights.

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Unless this video is a CGI effect, it is one of the strangest meteors ever recorded. It could also be a satellite re-entry that ejects some sort of object that is able to power away from the dying satellite in the opposite direction. Frankly, it could also be an unknown object in some sort of distress that ejects a smaller object which moves off in the opposite direction.
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Ohio MUFON investigator Ron McCone reports that a witness driving near Carmel, Ohio on December 12 "came up over a hill and saw a 7′ tall slim, gray creature with muscular legs that walked like its knees were backwards." Nevertheless, it moved rapidly and effectively. What it was is a complete unknown, but the witness, a 60 year old ex-Marine not given to confabulation, seems entirely credible.
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