A Dutch farmer left two piles of maize in a barn infested with mice, one pile GM, the other non GM. The GM pile was untouched, while the non GM pile was completely eaten up. Incredible! Young undergraduate Hinze Hogendoorn devised his own laboratory tests and confirmed the finding, and more. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reports from her recent visit to Hilversum near Amsterdam, where he lives with his mum. Mum Guusje is very proud of her son, though she waited until he took the train back to University College, Utrecht, to tell me about it. A young activists group (Jongeren Milieu Aktief) presented the report Hinze has written to the Dutch parliament on 11 December, and is featuring it on their new website www.talk2000.nl.
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By Richard M. Dolan copyright 2001 all rights reserved

[Note: this article is adapted and expanded from Richard Dolans UFOs and the National Security State: An Unclassified History. Volume One, 1941 to 1973, Keyhole Publishing, 2000. It appears in the December 2001/January 2002 issue of UFO Magazine.]


At around 2 a.m. on the morning of May 22, 1949, Americas first Secretary of Defense, James Vincent Forrestal, fell to his death from a small window of the 16th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital.
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By John L. Petersen, The Arlington Institute.

What will be next Will the terrorists strike again . . . and if they do, what might it be

I hope weve learned one thing from September 11th. The next event will not be to commandeer aircraft and fly them into buildings. These guys spent a couple of years trying to identify the subtle weaknesses of our air transport system and put all of their effort in exploiting that, all at once in a big way. So, if they try again, they will not attempt something that goes directly against our defenses. So thats the first principle: Asymmetric Attack hit them where they arent.
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Are we losing the strategic conflict Following the attacks of September 11th President Bush addressed the US Congress announced a war on terrorism. That war would engage the perpertrators and those who supported them wherever they may be. While the terrorists had struck at targets in the United States the President was defining the conflict in broader terms. In so doing he hoped to both broaden the scope of the conflict while establishing a focus on specific individuals and deeds. The intent was to attempt to identify and isolate the terrorists from the Muslim world. Since then Western leaders have repeatedly stated that we are not at war with Islam.
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