Renowned quantum physicist John Hagelin was the Natural Law Party candidate for the presidency in 2000. He has taken a fascinating and innovative peace proposal to congress and the White House, and reports open-minded interest from the administration. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING IN THE US GOVERNMENT Dr. John Hagelin

John Hagelin is a world authority in unified quantum field theories. His articles on electroweak unification, grand unification, supersymmetry, and cosmology include some of the most cited references in the physical sciences.
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Reed Irvine is the chairman of Accuracy in Media (AIM), a media watchdog group based in Washington, D.C. His provocative article about a recent TWA 800-type explosion, brought down by friendly fire in the Ukraine, was published in
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The mainstream media regularly reports on the “dangers” of “unproven” herbal remedies and supplements. But what is the reported number of people who have died from using herbs and supplements According to the FDA, between 1993 and 1998, federal, state and local agencies reported a total of 184 deaths, most of which were associated with weight loss formulas. Compare that to the reported number of people who die in hospitals because of the side effects of properly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs: more than 100,000, every year. You can add to that the number of patients killed in hospitals because of “medical errors”: another 100,000 or so. Those statistics are from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).read more

On his way to Israel, Colin Powell was kept waiting for two hours by the King of Morocco, then openly chastised during a press conference. On his way back, the President of Egypt refused even to see him.

Just weeks ago, Vice President Cheneys mission to the Arab countries to gain support for military action against Iraq failed.
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