George Filer’s Filer’s Files, for October 10, 2001.

UFO SIGHTINGS HAVE PICKED UP AGAIN IN THE US. Numerous UFOs were observed around the US on September 11, the same day as the World Trade Center attack after the grounding of all commercial aircraft. UFOs were spotted in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Norway, and Japan. US and Britain attack Taliban in Afghanistan.

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by Ruth James.

What’s really behind Operation Cure.All Is it just the FDA and FTC taking their power too far Or is there a deeper, more sinister purpose to this campaign

How could a country that prides itself in its freedom of speech, freedom of choice, and freedom of information be facing such severe restrictions in health freedom and dietary supplements Haven’t the people made their will known Didn’t our government pass the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 to insure our right to health supplements
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This letter came in during Dreamland on September 29. This is a time when our emotions make us literally unable to eat or to think about things like the importance of good nutrition. But it’s never been more important, as this wise listener points out.

Dear Whitley:

Thanks for the great show tonight. I’m a grocer in Oregon and I’ve noticed that folks have stopped shopping well for food.

About 2 weeks ago a real slump hit. Folks are nibbling – they don’t look like they’re fixing good meals. So the mama in me has a message for folks: get out your pencils and paper and make your shopping list. Plan some meals. Winter’s just around the corner, and everyone’s immune systems need to be fortified right now.
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Clarissa Pinkola Estés makes the point that the real purpose of terrorism is not only to cause physical destruction, it is to cause destruction in our hearts and souls. In this sense, every American is a front-line soldier in this war, and we have just come out of a punishing battle.

The guide she has created is filled with genuine, useful advice, and as such is an important weapon for our side. Do not assume that you don’t need it. You do. We all do. Use it.

Forwarded Message:

Subj: Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD on Trauma and Terrorism sickness.

Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:27:30 PM

FROM : Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D. author, psychoanalyst, specialist in Critical Incident and Post- Trauma more