Gregory Robert Smith is frank about his brilliance. “I am proud of who I am” says the 11 year old Robert Macon College Sophomore. Gregory started college when he was ten. Child prodigies like Greg are rare enough, but he is truly one of a kind.

It’s because of his mission. It is brilliant, beautiful and terribly, terribly important. Greg believes that violence is the world’s core problem, and that violence toward children is a crisis that needs immediate attention. He challenges us: “what are you going to do right now?” He has assumed for himself a leadership position, and he seems well able to lead us forward on behalf of children everywhere.
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Editorial commentary: As it has become harder and harder to dismiss crop circles, the debunker community has brought out its big guns. A former crop circle researcher has spread a story much welcomed by a media in a total state of denial, that the more complex crop circles are manmade, the exact opposite of what is probably true. The arrest of a self-professed crop circle hoaxer has been used to further this assertion in British media.

Now, suddenly, a NASA engineer weighs in on the opposite side of the debate with a frank and intelligent commentary on what he has seen personally.
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Some of the worst weather in history continued to sweep across the United Kingdom today, with even higher winds and more rain expected Monday. British Prime Minster Tony Blair, while touring Shropshire on Friday, said that the government would have to address the issue both nationally and internationally. The climate crisis is going to be felt first, as predicted in Art Bell and Whitley Strieber’s the Coming Global Superstorm last year, in Europe, most particularly in the United Kingdom.

While there is no evidence that a massive blizzard such as the one Bell and Strieber predicted is going to occur soon, it is probable that the series of climactic and oceanic events leading up to this are already well underway.
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Over the years there have been a smattering of possible ET photos and videos, all of which have remained highly controversial. This image, allegedly taken in a Russian police station in 1996, has an interesting story behind it.

The story goes that an elderly woman from the village of Kashtim in Georgia found a small being lying in a road, which she thought was a baby. She gathered the creature in her arms and took it home. For two weeks, she cared for it, although what she did was not reported. At that point, she became ill and was taken to the hospital. The creature was left abandoned in her house, where it died.
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