While scheduling James Kunstler’s Dreamland interview, he and Anne began an email correspondence. Excerpts are below:

Kunstler: Of course I am familiar with Whitley’s books about alien encounters. It is a rather disturbing set of experiences. I hope he is functioning well. I read his journal entry about the implant behind his ear and his “travels” to other places. I don’t know what to think of it. It is exceedingly strange, though I would hesitate to label it “crazy.” (I’m sure you’ve been down that path a million times.). I am a bit reluctant to commit to being on your webcast. My own point of view has no occult overtones whatsoever. I certainly am grateful for readers.
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We just had a classic LA experience: We went to a screening on the Warner Brothers studio lot. This is the kind of experience that makes you feel like a movie biz “insider”? especially if you’re not. But here’s the most amazing part: It was a UFO documentary.

We saw The Phoenix Lights, the wonderful film produced and directed by Dr. Lynne Kitei, who has been a guest on Dreamland Radio. While I was familiar with the film, since we sell the DVD on our store, I was thrilled to see it on the big screen. I was delighted all over again at how convincing it is. Chris Owens, of Warner Brothers, arranged the screening. He discovered the Phoenix Lights because he’s a fan of Unknowncountr y.com.
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After my stroke in October, I was afraid I had brain damage. But I found out that things aren’t always what they seem, that I needed to learn to look a little deeper.
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Whitley and I are moving, and while packing and sorting through years of acquired items is sheer hell, it’s something everyone should do more often.

First, you find so many wonderful memories, such as letters from a son away at camp for the first time (complete with childish illustrations), tucked in the back of a desk drawer, and love letters from a new husband (the same one who’s the old husband now). But the main thing you find is papers and books that you have no idea why you kept–so you throw them away! It’s like throwing away the extraneous, annoying parts of your life and keeping only the precious ones.
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