The average sea ice extent for the month of October was the lowest on record for that month, averaging only 5.66 million square kilometers (2.19 million square miles), beating the previous record-holder, October 2012, by nearly a quarter-million square kilometers. This was due to abnormally warm conditions across the Arcticread more

Mike Clelland started a blog in 2009 to try to make sense of the odd experiences that were unfolding in his life. His writings were a sort of public diary, written in real time as the experiences were happening. All the clues pointed to one thing—ongoing UFO contact. Those blog postsread more

A New World, published on Friday in paperback and Kindle formats, is getting great reviews on and is listed as the #1 Bestseller in the UFO Category. The book describes the wealth of new close encounter experiences Whitley has had since 2015 and especially since February of 2016 when,read more