Diane Brandon is an intuitive counselor who discovered during the course of her practice that there are people who are born remembering their spiritual origins and, often, entering and being in the womb.

In this edition of Dreamland she describes her discovery and the book she has written about it, Born Aware, and we also talk to Cynthia Larson, one of the subjects of the book and also an author and broadcaster, who tells us not only about her memories of coming into this world, but of a “past life” that was lived in the future!
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It’s time to do some Spring cleaning–and that includes how we think about ourselves, time, aliens, inter-dimensional beings, and the notion of futuristic advancement in the age of our dying. This is a punchy solo episode. Get ready.read more

A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a device that can listen to and transcribe a person’s otherwise silent inner voice, to make that information available to record or transmit electronically–all without the user having to utter a word.

The device, called "AlterEgo" by its designers, makes use of a specialized headset that wraps around the back of the user’s ear, with an extension placed along the jawline. It picks up on neuromuscular signals transmitted through the jaw and face, an unconscious result of the internal verbalizations being made by the individual. These signals are then interpreted by a machine-learning system that translates the patterns into words.
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"Life, as we know it."

In recent years, some members of the scientific community have begun to realize that this oft-repeated phrase encapsulates a concept that appears to have been limiting modern efforts to recognize signs of extraterrestrial life, both intelligent and primitive: our search efforts tend to focus on what is familiar to us, as opposed to our keeping an eye out for something that might be truly alien. Toward that end, a recently-published study has proposed that our inherent bias towards seeking the familiar may have been blinding us to evidence that has been staring us in the face all along.
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