What happens when a Mormon preacher tries salvia in Alaska? He ends up a standup comedian in Texas. Those sentences would be a setup/punchline combo were it not for the too-true-for-TV horror that happened in between.read more

Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science has released their extended forecast for the 2018 hurricane season in the North Atlantic, and while they’re not calling for the same magnitude of devastating, record-breaking storms from the 2017 season, they sill expect this year to see higher than average activity.
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One of the pilots involved in the sighting of a UFO made by the flight crews of two commercial aircraft over Arizona has come forward to offer more details regarding what he witnessed during their February encounter, eliminating the possibility that the object could have been a high-altitude balloon. Additionally, an executive that debriefed the pilots of the other aircraft involved has confirmed that the identity of the anomalous object is indeed a mystery.
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I have been trying for weeks to understand how to write this. I’ve decided that I’ll put it off forever unless I just plunge in. It’s complex because there are a number of different layers. First, there is my relationship with the visitors. Second, it is what they–and we–are. Third, it is what I have learned from them about the future.

Anne is deeply involved in all this, but not as the person she was. As she has said, "I’m not Anne anymore, but I’ll always be Anne for you, Whitley." I have learned much about the truth of that statement in recent weeks. I have seen the being that projected Anne into the time stream and fallen in love in a whole new way. In fact, I see this being all the time.
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