This week, we present the first of two special interviews with Frank Feschino. Here Frank tells us about the results of his interviews with direct witnesses to a UFO landing that took place in West Virginia during the enormous September 1952 event. You will hear his careful description of a 17 mile flight by a crippled UFO that then came to rest in a small town. The next night a couple from New York with an 18 month old baby had a terrifying and bizarre encounter near Frametown, West Virginia.
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At a time when even some UFO groups are declaring that UFOs don’t exist, we return to an event that the powers that be would prefer you forget–history’s most incredible UFO event. On September 12, 1952, shocked American citizens contacted the Pentagon, military authorities, police stations, CIA officials and the media to report UFOs passing over and landing throughout the eastern US. During 12 hours of sustained UFO activity, several objects, including some that were damaged and landed, penetrated US airspace and were attacked by US Air Force fighters.

What happened next is one of the greatest of all UFO cases. This must never, ever be forgotten. One day, the truth about this mystery WILL be made more

It is an odd and chilling feeling to see Hurricane Sandy called a superstorm. It’s going to go down in history as Superstorm Sandy.

I didn’t coin the word ‘superstorm’ but the Coming Global Superstorm, certainly brought it into the language. And the movie based on it, the Day After Tomorrow, fixed the idea of such storms in the public imagination.
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