Scientists are still trying to break the cosmic speed limit that says that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, even if it means bending the laws of physics. While they don’t yet know if WE can do it, there’s evidence that PARTICLES can move faster than light.

As for us humans, we may still be stuck on the elevator, but an experiment called OPERA (for Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus) recently announced that it has spotted neutrinos travelling a few fractions of a second faster than the speed of light.
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Predators are being chased out of the countryside by suburban building and are moving into the cities, where they can prey on small pets. For instance, a coyote community has lived for at least six years less than a mile from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.. Science Daily quotes environmentalist Stan Gehrt as saying, "That’s an indication that they don’t have to go far to find food and water. They’re finding everything they need right there, in the suburbs of Chicago."
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This letter was sent to by an Unknowncountry
reader, in reference to Whitley’s Journal "Crawling Toward Nirvana."
Whitley found it thoughtful and interesting, and asked that it be posted

Letter from a Reader: the Pain Problem

You might also try opening yourself to divine healing energy (I don’t
mean visitors specifically–but certainly they are further along the
spiritual growth phase than we are). Odd, but I heard from 2 separate
places now, that the divine is always sending us healing energy as
soon as our physical cells request it, but with our free will we may
decline it, because it does not fit within our preconceptions or
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