A black hole is a region in space where the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Black holes billions of times bigger sive than our sun may be at the heart of most galaxies, and astronomers have now discovered one in the center of a galaxy 50 million light years away that contains the mass of 6 billion suns–and measured its radius.
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What kind of shape is YOUR brain in? Have you had an injury that has affected the way it functions? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Help is on the way: researchers have created a prosthetic device capable of restoring decision-making in people who have reduced capacity due to brain disease or injury. It works in non-human primates, and they believe that one day it will be possible in people. This could be the END of Alzheimer’s.
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This image was taken by an Unknowncountry reader near Bennington Vermont at about 7 in the evening. She did not see the objects at the time, and a second frame, shot a moment later, does not show them. They are not a lens effect, or, if so, then an unusual one. They shot was taken outdoors, so the objects are not light reflected off glass. There are some water droplets on the camera lens, but they do not appear to be connected to the glowing objects. The slight distortion of the objects would suggest speed of motion.
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A small unknown object has been photographed on Mars by the Chemistry Camera’s remote microimager. The assumption is that this is a shard of plastic from the lander itself. Whether it will be analyzed or not remains to be seen. However, if another such object should be observed, it is hoped that an analysis would take place–at least by this Curiosity fan!
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