We know that the sun is only partly the cause of climate change (most of it, alas, is caused by us), but periodic solar flares (or coronal mass ejections–CMEs) can have profound "space weather" effects on power grids and the communication satellites that power our cell phones and (in some cases) cable TV. They can also be dangerous to astronauts.
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During the Presidential debates, we continue to hear warnings about the "Mexicanization" of the US–a warning that whites may soon be in the minority and Spanish will become our lingua franca. But all this is irrelevant: We are having a REVERSE migration here right now, as Mexican immigrants–both legal and illegal–are crossing back across the border to their home country because it’s where they can find JOBS, because when it comes to manufacturing, Mexico is rapidly becoming as important to the US economy as China.
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This is obviously a genuine story. There is no question of hoax here. As to what the object the astronomer photographed could be, that is an entirely different question. He offers the comment that it must be of earthly origin, but there is actually no way to determine its origin, let alone what it is. A genuine unknown. The claims that this was a child’s toy balloon are absurd. For more information, listen to Dreamland 11/2/12, as Linda Moulton Howe interviews BOTH the astronomer and the professional helicopter pilot who observed the object in different places on different days.
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