Is there an advanced breakaway human civilization in touch with ET? Richard Dolan has compelling evidence that, as fantastic as it sounds, this could be true. Richard claims that this civilization has evolved around the alien presence that is here, and it now stands between us and disclosure. He and Dark Skies creator Bryce Zabel have partnered in the creation of a book called After Disclosure, which speculates on why this might be so, and what could be preventing the rest of us from participating.

Visit the After Disclosure website. Click here.
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In 1996, Drs. JJ Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak made the discovery on the Giza Plateau of what has become known as the Tomb of Osiris, the Egyptian deity who was killed by his brother and resurrected by his sister, Isis. They have spent years in deep study of what the story of his resurrection–and the story of the resurrection of Jesus–actually mean.

They contend that there is a transhuman level of consciousness that we can enter, and that the means to do it can be understood and put to practical use–in other words, there is literally a Path of Resurrection that we can all follow.
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And yes, despite all the warnings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), there really IS going to be a 2013, and you can make yours especially beautiful by using Lucy Pringle’s magnificent, mysterious and uplifting new calendar–her annual selection of gorgeous images from her huge photo collection cannot be beat!

And this year, for ONE WEEK ONLY, if you input the coupon code CAL13 as you check out, you’ll get $2.00 off this beautiful calendar! This offer expires on October 15 at midnight.
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Planets die (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this provocative interview). The Earth is still alive, despite having had at least two major extinctions in the past.

The most-studied mass extinction in Earth history happened 65 million years ago and is widely thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs. New research has discovered that a separate extinction came shortly before that, triggered by volcanic eruptions that warmed the planet and killed life on the ocean floor.
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