Besides solving the problems with the economy, not to mention the global warming problems, there is something that many of us want the next President to do: reveal what the government knows about UFOs?especially if they’re coming here soon.

In, Dave Demerjian quotes Stephen Bassett, founder of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), an organization he describes as “dedicated to ending the government imposed Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race,” as saying, “Witnesses are coming forward, and 50% of the US public believes that this is real.
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Whitley continues his informative series of Journals about the current financial crisis. His new Journal is about the bailout. In it, he explains WHY this was necessary and cautions us not to listen to the rants of radio talk show hosts who are in the business of attracting listeners, not giving them facts. He says, “The massive profits Wall Street has made selling worthless securities have been privatized, but the risk has been socialized. To make matters worse, nobody understands that we have had to do this to save our personal lives, especially not the talk radio hosts that fifty million Americans listen to every day.”

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We recently wrote about a prediction that’s buzzing around the internet and being reported by several mediums. Will aliens arrive today? (Or are they already here). Stay tuned to this website to find out!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

This article was first published in 2004, but it is still highly relevant today. The general media has assisted in the coverup of 9/11. And, in fact, there is a coverup because we have not been told the truth of why the attack happened and who was actually behind it. Until we know the whole truth, we are not free, and we are no doubt in danger of another terrible crime of this kind being perpetrated against us again.

Read the whole article below, but, even if you don’t read it all, you must read these two sections:

“A large number of put options were placed through the Alex Brown or (AB Brown) Unit of Deutschebank. Ruppert recalled that AB Brown had been chaired until he became the Executive Director (No. 3) at the CIA in 1998, by A.B. Buzzy Krongard.
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