It gets you drunk more slowly, but this might make you drink MORE – A new study suggests that people process malt liquor beverages differently than they do other alcoholic beverages. The researchers found a significant difference in how quickly people’s bodies absorbed malt liquor beverages compared to beverages made of combined ethanol and diet soda with the same alcohol content. Participants absorbed the malt liquor beverage more slowly and it took a longer time to reach a peak breath-alcohol level. This SOUNDS good, but it actualy made them drink more!
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From Project Censored.


Title: Transcript Of Japanese Parliaments 911 Testimony Author: Benjamin Fulford

Student Researchers: Kyle Corcoran, Alan Scher, Bill Gibbons, and Elizabeth Rathbun

Faculty Evaluator: Mickey S. Huff, MA

Testimony in the Japanese parliament, broadcast live on Japanese television in January 2008, challenged the premise and validity of the Global War on Terror. Parliament member Yukihisa Fujita insisted that an investigation be conducted into the wars origin: the events of 9/11.
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One remedy: white paint! – Twelve pathogens could spread into new regions of the world, as a result of global warming. The “Deadly Dozen” list?including such diseases as malaria, bird flu, Ebola, cholera, and tuberculosis?show the broad range of diseases that threaten both humans and animals as the world gets warmer.
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David Foster Wallace, the talented young author who recently committed suicide, battled depression for 20 years. And people who take many days of sick leave for psychiatric reasons are twice as likely to die from cancer as healthier employees. Finally, since so many anti-depression medicines have turned out to be placebos, researchers have discovered that an old herbal remedy really DOES work: but only if you speak German!

In, Elizabeth Landau quotes psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi as saying, “The arts are more dangerous [than other professions] because they require sensitivity to a large extent. If you go too far you can pay a price?you can be too sensitive to live in this world.”
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