UK and US researchers are about to undertake a huge, 3-year study on near-death experiences (NDEs) in patients who have experienced cardiac arrest.

Doctors will study 1,500 of these survivors to see if they had the typical NDE, with the tunnel of light, floating above themselves and seeing doctors and nurses trying to save them, seeing friends and relatives, etc. As part of the test, the doctors are placing images on high shelves in resuscitation areas of their hospitals, where they can only be seen from above.
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Popular Dreamland host William Henry will be appearing with some previous Dreamland guests at a conference in La Jolla, CA that runs through Sunday, Oct. 5. For more information, click here.

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In his hard hitting newJournal, acontinuation of his series of journals about the economy,Whitley talks about a little-known aspect of the economythat could have a BIG impact! Will we ever learn?Also read the reaction of a legendary Wall Street columnist in ourInsight Section.

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Can a classroom give you cancer? If it contains radiation left over from 100-year-old scientific experiments, it can.

Ernest Rutherford was the first scientist to split the atom?and he may have been indirectly responsible for killing 4 people at a university in the UK.

The building was never tested for radiation and in 1972 it was transferred to the psychology department. In the Wednesday, September 24 edition of the Independent, Jonathan Brown reports that after the 4th person who used the room died of cancer recently, his family claimed this was “more than a coincidence.”

Marie Curie, who discovered radium, died from leukemia in 1934 and her notebooks are STILL too dangerous to be touched. Rutherford died in 1937, at age 66.
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