Earthquakes struck Tokyo, Sumatra and New Zealand yesterday,and an unusually high level of intense quakes continued inthe Indian Ocean area.

Dreamland guest Will Hart offers anInsightinto why this may be happening and what to expect in the future.

Geologists believe that the subduction zone along the floorof the Indian Ocean that has been generating the quakes hasbecome unstable, and that it is capable of causingadditional “great” quakes and tsunamis.
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Think you’re anonymous when you fire off a nasty letter onthe internet or peruse that forbidden porn site? A computerresearcher has found a way to track exactly what anycomputer is doing on the internet?so you could be beingwatched.
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Newswise – While theories about what our human ancestors ate abound,and are touted in modern low carb diet books, which promotethe idea that ancient man ate meat and not carbohydrates,until now there have been few methods for proving any ofthese theories. But now University of Arkansas professorPeter S. Ungar has found that by comparing modern-day teethwith the fossil teeth from ancient skulls, he can answerthese questions. He has discovered a major change in thediet of our early ancestors, as they switched from foragingand eating a plant-based diet, to becoming more efficienthunters and eating tougher, more chewy foods?like meat.
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First, Jim Marrs reports on Peter Jennings’ tragic announcement that he has cancer and how this relates to the UFO community. Then Colm Kellerher tells the devastating truth about Mad Cow Disease in the US and what YOU MUST DO NOW to protect yourself and your family. Finally, Linda brings us up to date with the latest scientific information about the hidden spread of Mad Cow.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more