The NASA website says: “Imagine you’re in California. It’s July, the middle of summer. The sun rises early; bright rays warm the ground. It’s a great day to be outside. Then, suddenly, it begins to snow–not just a little flurry, but a swirling blizzard that doesn’t stop for two weeks.” According to solar physicist David Hathaway, “Something like that just happened on the sun.” Was this predicted by a mysterious crop circle?

A crop circle laid down in 1995 displayed the positions of the planets as they would be on September 6, 2003. As a result, crop circle watchers waited eagerly for that date,which apparently came and went without incident.
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Monarch butterflies migrate 2,000 miles every year to spend the winter in a small mountain forest in Mexico, but this could end within the next 50 years. At first, farmers were cutting down the trees in order to clear the land, but this has finally been stopped. Now it’s been discovered that climate change may eventually kill off the oyamel fir trees that the butterflies cling to during the winter.

In The Independent, Steven Connor quotes researchers Karen Oberhauser and Townsend Peterson as saying that, “?When current oyamel distribution was included in models to be projected to future climates, none of the present wintering sites was predicted to be suitable in 50 years’ time.”
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Researchers have found a physical link between the herpes simplex virus and the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which forms the plaques that are present in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. This links the common cause of cold sores to Alzheimer’s; however, 85% of us have the herpes simplex virus in our bodies and most of us will never develop Alzheimer’s.
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While collecting letters for our new Communion Letters file, we came across this story, which is not about UFOs or visitors, but is a kind of after death experience (keep reading).

“Mark” writes: Up until a few days ago, my friend Marge had two black male cats?Cassius and Columbus. They had each been with her for more than five years. Cassius has always been rather distant and aloof toward her, whereas Columbus was very personable and affectionate. The cats’ relationship with each other was one of respectful distance.
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