Afghan cities are ghost towns. Refugees are pouring out of the country, despite attempts at border control by surrounding countries. As many as eight million Aghans may soon be at risk of starvation soon, and one and a half million are at immeidate risk.

Now, lower level Taliban officials and soldiers are quitting, and military conscription is in chaos, according to CNN. Students released from Islamic school in order to join the army are instead becoming refugees.

Numerous Taliban security checkpoints have been abandoned. Tribal leaders in various parts of the country are urging Arab fighters from abroad to leave the country.
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A severe meteor storm expected to peak in November will bombard the world?s satellites with an unusually dense amount of space dust, creating the greatest threat of a meteor impact since 1966, according to NASA scientists.

The Leonid meteor shower occurs annually but this year it is expected to be a storm unlike anything seen in recent decades. The last time the Leonids produced what astronomers call a storm, only a handful of satellites orbited the Earth, so the threat was minimal.

Now there are hundreds of satellites that will be at risk. They provide services ranging from pagers and television to weather forecasts and monitoring for potential nuclear blasts from other nations.
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According to an article by Stephen F. Hayes in the Weekly Standard, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz is the principal administration proponent of the idea that Saddam Hussein must be deposed as part of the war on terrorism.

However, the administration, led by Secretary of State Colin Powell, has been backing away from President Bush’s vow of last week to wage war against states that harbor and sponsor terrorists. On September 13, Wolfowitz said at a briefing that the US should be involved in “removing the sanctuaries, removing the support systems, ending states who sponsor terrorism.”
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UFO Wave in Norway

Police in Norway have been investigating a wave of UFO reports. Lights and craft of different sizes have been seen throughout the north of the country in recent days.

Police are searching for a UFO described by witnesses as resembling a silent helicopter. Three people say they dove for cover when they saw the low-flying, whirling object pass over them. They were sitting in a car when they saw the object flying low over the city and they thought it was going to crash into the sea when they called the police. The police haven?t found any evidence of the craft.
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