UFO Wave in Norway
Police in Norway have been investigating a wave of UFO reports. Lights and craft of different sizes have been seen throughout the north of the country in recent days.
Police are searching for a UFO described by witnesses as resembling a silent helicopter. Three people say they dove for cover when they saw the low-flying, whirling object pass over them. They were sitting in a car when they saw the object flying low over the city and they thought it was going to crash into the sea when they called the police. The police haven?t found any evidence of the craft.
Others have reported sightings of small, brightly lit balls which made a hissing noise, as well as larger, silent objects. One woman claims that a small flying object landed on her lawn before lifting off and flying away.
Helgeland police chief Roar Togersen said he believes that each of the witnesses saw something. He says, ?We also have several other witness observations of the samephenomenon in the same time frame. They were three sober and trustworthy people and we have no reasons to doubt them,? he says.
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