Monsanto plans to earn revenues of $420 million and a net income of $63 million by 2008 from its water business in India and Mexico.

Monsanto estimates that water will become a multibillion-dollar market in the coming decades.

Imagine, that we are beyond the energy crisis-in that we are used to paying double or triple prices for what in the previous century was a small part of the family budget. But now we are faced with a new shortage that taps another precious resource. Water only comes through the tap four hours a day and we are forced to pay ten to hundred times what we paid in the 90s.

For the full Insight article, click here.

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Two of three cloned heifers from the University of California farm in Chico have died and the third may not live. All three calves were born March 9, after a total of 28 cloned embryos were implanted into 14 Hereford cows. The three calves were the only ones that survived long enough to be born.

Charles Crabb of the university?s college of agriculture, said the cows probably died from a buildup of bacteria in their stomachs. ?It?s not uncommon for cloned animals to have problems with their immune systems,? he says.

Researchers trying to clone animals have reported that many of their attempts have ended in premature deaths and birth defects. This is something to remember when we hear scientists say they plan to clone humans.

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A beautiful ice ring–or ice disk–has just been reported to the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network. The circle appeared in Johnson Canyon in Banff National Park on January 2, 2000, but has just been reported after the owner of the photo saw pictures of other ice rings in Canada.

The disk, slightly oval with smooth edges, was slowly rotating clockwise. Slow rotation is a characteristic of Canadian ice rings and disks. The disk was approximately 15 feet in diameter.

The Canadian ice ring phenomenon could be attributable to some sort of natural cause, except that it is only a few years old. The idea that the ice rings are human constructions is hard to believe, because some of them have been in very thin ice and well out of reach of land.
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The Nemesis theory–that the sun has a companion star that is responsible for recurring episodes of death and destruction here on Earth–has been debated since it was proposed by University of California physicist Richard Muller. Most astronomers and astrophysicists dismiss the theory.

But Muller believes that the sun may indeed have a companion star, which he has named Nemesis, a red dwarf that may occassionally cause severe solar events every 26 million years or so, when its orbit brings it too close to the sun.
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